VPN (Virtual Private Network) is an extension of the company network linked through a shared or public network and applying encapsulation, encryption and identity authentication. In order to meet the work needs of some staffs and students of IHEP, the computing center has established a VPN system based on Linux architecture. Through this VPN, the network users of IHEP may externally access the network computers and network resources of IHEP.
Opening of VPN account: VPN accounts cater for the internal staffs of IHEP (not including visitors) who indeed need to access the internal network and computer resources of IHEP for work needs. If you use VPN service for work needs, please click to download an Application form, enter information according to the requirements, affix the project seal and submit the form to the network group of the computing center. Our management personnel will establish a VPN account and initial password for you. You may modify your VPN account password through "https://ihepvpn.ihep.ac.cn".
1. Software installation of Windows system VPN client:
a. Click IHEP VPN client software package (WinXP, Win7 32 Bit, Win8 32 Bit, Win7 64 Bit and Win8 64 Bit) to download it, decompose it and execute setup to set up client software
b. Click "Start"->"All programs"->"OpenVPN"->"OpenVPN GUI", and start client program
c. Double click the icon of OpenVPN client program at the right bottom corner of the screen. Inputting username and password is prompted
d. After a while, the icon of OpenVPN client program at the right bottom corner of the screen will turn green, indicating vpn is successfully connected. You may access the internal network of IHEP
e. If no prompt of inputting username and password appears after the icon of OpenVPN client program at the right bottom corner of the screen is double clicked, probably some files of the installation program are not copied. Please copy client and ca files in the decompressed package to directory \Program Files\Openvpn\config, and try again.
[Warm tips]
a. If your computer adopts Win7 or Win8 system, please use Administrator to log in, install and use ihep-vpn client software. Please not use personal user to log in Win7 or Win8 system and must use Administrator.
b. Operation of running Win7 OpenVPN client software in Win8: under OpenVPN-GUI right key "Attribute"-->compatibility-" compatible mode", tick in front of "Run this program in compatible mode" and select WinXP.
2. Configuration specification of VPN client software Tunnelblick in Mac system:
a. Click IHEP VPN client software package (MAC version) to download it, and decompose it.
b. Install and open Tunnel blick. You will see "Welcome to use Tunnel blick" interface, and select "I have the configuration file".
c. Select OpenVPN settings.
d. Click "Open privately set folder". A folder will be opened automatically.
e. Copy ca.crt in the attachment and all the files ending with .ovpn to the folder automatically opened in the previous step.
f. Click Tunnel blick icon at the right top corner of the desktop. You may see available openvpn connections. Please click openvpn connection. g. Input username and password and conduct authentication and login.
h. IHEP VPN server may be connected smoothly.
Cancellation of VPN account: VPN application form will indicate the use term of the VPN account you apply for. The VPN administrator of the computing center will write off your VPN account immediately after your VPN account expires. If you want to extend the use term of VPN for work needs, please contact the administrator in advance and provide related written certificates.
Password modification: If you forget your password for any reason and are unable to use your VPN service, you may directly contact the administrator. After confirming your identity, the administrator may help you modify your password and provide the service to you again, for use.
If you encounter any problem during use of VPN, you may contact the administrator. The VPN server administrator will assist you solving the problem.
The network group of the computing center will provide technical support in the aspect of VPN for IHEP users.
Administrator: Wu Ling Contact No.: 88236029 Email: wl@ihep.ac.cn